TSS Blacksmith Shop

Brokkr Valdisson

Location: The Silver Spoon, Ember Island

Keeper: Brokkr Valdisson

Brokkr is a dwarf of some renown in the blacksmithing world. He had no shady connections from which he was called upon to come utilize his skills for "The Silver Spoon." Instead, he was specifically sought out for his blacksmithing skills. He's a heart dwarf with a blunt tongue, a boisterous laugh, and no time for nonsense.

Item Type Rarity Price
+1 Hand Crossbow Weapon 3Uncommon 1075
Longsword of Sharpness Weapon 4Rare 1715
Mace of Warning Weapon 3Uncommon 60005
Chain mail Armor of Resistance (Radiant) Armor 4Rare 6075
+1 Glaive Weapon 3Uncommon 1020
Mariner's Leather Armor 3Uncommon 1510
Vicious Sickle Weapon 4Rare 351
Cook's utensils Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 1
Dagger Weapons 1Mundane 2
Flail Weapons 1Mundane 10
Flask Containers 1Mundane 0.02
Garnet Gemstones 1Mundane 100
Halberd Weapons 1Mundane 20
Halberd Weapons 1Mundane 20
Half plate Armor 1Mundane 750
Half plate Armor 1Mundane 750
Handaxe Weapons 1Mundane 5
Heavy Crossbow Weapons 1Mundane 50
Hide Armor 1Mundane 10
Hourglass Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 25
Ink pen Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 0.02
Javelin Weapons 1Mundane 0.5
Jeweler's tools Trade Tools 1Mundane 25
Lantern bullseye Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 10
Lantern hooded Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 5
Leather Armor 1Mundane 10
Leatherworker's tools Trade Tools 1Mundane 5
Light Hammer Weapons 1Mundane 2
Longbow Weapons 1Mundane 50
Longsword Weapons 1Mundane 15
Manacles Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 2
Mason's tools Trade Tools 1Mundane 10
Mirror (Full Length) Furnishings 1Mundane 250
Navigator's tools Trade Tools 1Mundane 25
Padded Armor 1Mundane 5
Pick Miner's Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 2
Plate Armor 1Mundane 1500
Plate Armor 1Mundane 1500
Pole (10-foot) Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 0.05
Quarterstaff Weapons 1Mundane 0.2
Ring mail Armor 1Mundane 30
Shortsword Weapons 1Mundane 10
Steel Mirror Adventuring Gear 1Mundane 5
Studded leather Armor 1Mundane 45
Thieves' tools Trade Tools 1Mundane 25
Trident Weapons 1Mundane 5
Warhammer Weapons 1Mundane 15